Hey, Lancers: There’s an event for every Central alum this spring:
On Tuesday May 16, Lancers football hosts its annual golf outing and lunch. Participants may sign up individually for $130 or with their own foursomes for $480. The location is Skippack Golf Course, 1146 Stump Hall Road, Skippack, Pa., 19426. Non-golfers are invited to come for the 1 p.m. lunch at a cost of $30. See your old Central coaches, chat with current staff and learn about new happenings at Dear Old High. Proceeds benefit the football program. Email Lancers football coach Rich Drayton at coachdrayton@yahoo.com to register.
On Sunday June 4, the Alumni Association hosts its annual 5k run and 1 mile walk, starting and ending at the front entrance to Central. Check in for both events begins at 8 a.m.
The run begins at 9 sharp and the walk kicks off at 9:15. With prizes for age groups from children to seniors, shopping time at the school store and giveaways, the morning is always a load of fun. Proceeds benefit all Central clubs and teams. Register online for the run or walk here or download, print and mail this AACHS 5K Registration Form 2017.
The day offers great opportunities to expose your company’s brand to scores of alumni and friends via participant T-shirts, banners and brochures distributed beyond the race site. Sponsorship levels run from $1,000 to as little as $150. Read how to become a sponsor here. AACHS 5K Sponsor Levels 2017 5K_Sponsor_Contract_2017
On Saturday June 10, the baseball team hosts its second-annual alumni baseball game at Lancers field, Ogontz and Somerville avenues. This is serious hardball with jerseys, umpires and skin left on the field. First pitch is at 10:30 a.m. Non-baseball alumni who prefer to take things a little lighter, tell Coach Rich Weiss if you would like to play a game of softball. (This game will be contingent on the number of responses. Email rweiss@philasd.org ) Proceeds benefit the baseball program. Last year, the school was able to buy a new pitching machine and batting cage. Register for the baseball game here. alumgameform