Scheduled reunions (in Class # order)
Class and reunion resources
Find my class rep
Please contact to reach your class rep listed in the link above or to learn more about how you can volunteer to support your class rep as a reunion or data management person for your class.
Find my class Facebook page
On Facebook, all classes from 230-present have a group. Use the search feature there as group names change, and often at reunion times a new group is created. Also, about a dozen classes older than 230 have a group, it’s worth it to search.
Find my class Web site
These are the classes that still maintain a website: 233, 230, 228, 226, 224, 218, 211, 210, 206.
Reunion announcement
If you have a reunion coming up in the next year or two, please have a reunion committee person email with as much detail as you have, and a contact person or two.
Planning a reunion?
This section is intended to help those classes that are planning their first reunion; those class members that are new to reunion planning process; those classes that for whatever reason have not held reunions regularly; or those who want to Post A Reunion announcement (see below for details).
Visit the “Find my class” tab to get your class rep’s name and, in some cases, class Facebook group page and any web presence your class may have (like a class webpage). If your class has nothing (do a Google search too), a Facebook group is real easy to set-up and very easy to use, they are widely successful and productive. If you don’t have your own class website, or perhaps it’s become a bit dated, don’t feel that you have to have a current website, they are becoming sort of passé. To be honest, even if you have a dedicated classmate or two to build it, administer it, etc. the traffic it generates will probably not match Facebook.
Since classes vary quite a bit in age from 19 years old to well into their nineties, their reunion needs and requirements vary quite a bit as well. Suffice it to say that there is no simple cookie-cutter reunion planning template that can be made that will work for all classes. Contact the AACHS office at or 215-845-3308. If you are the class rep, or part of the reunion committee, these are some of the parts of the reunion process that the AACHS can help you with:
- Contact data, the class list is made available to the class rep.
- Facilitate a Friday lunch and student led tour at the school.
- CHS teacher, CHS president, and AACHS president availability to attend your reunion.
- Announcing your reunion in the Journal and on the alumni website.
Feel free to email AACHS board member Rudy Cvetkovic (239) at He has mentored several class reps, and a few recently with their 5th and 10th year reunions. Some of the items that he may be able to help with:
- The reunion process; planning, announcements, financing, program, etc.
- Reunion venue selection. He maintains a spreadsheet of what venues many of the classes have used in recent years.
- Other sources of class contact info.
- List of websites for tracking down elusive classmates and other tips and tricks.
- Opportunities to give back to CHS: volunteering, optional class gift to the AACHS, etc.
Is your class celebrating a reunion year and you’d like to reunite to walk the halls of Central High together again?
The AACHS can help to make your reunion celebrations extra special by hosting a tour at our Dear High!
To learn more about planning a reunion school tour, please review the AACHS Reunion School Tour Planning Guide.
Once you review the guide, you can submit your information on the Central High Reunion School Tour Request Form.
A representative from the AACHS, will be sure to follow up once the form is submitted. For any questions, please reach out to