From the National Science Teachers Association:
The largest gathering of science teachers in the country will occur in Boston April 3-6 at the National Science Teachers Association’s National Conference on Science Education.
Approximately 10,000 teachers from around the country are expected to attend the four-day conference to learn the latest in science content, teaching strategies, and research; network with fellow educators; and hear thought-provoking presentations from prominent scientists and educators. Thousands of hands-on workshops, presentations about the latest breakthroughs in science and education, and demonstrations covering every discipline, grade level and teaching focus will be offered.
Kicking off the conference is actress and neuroscientist Dr. Mayim Bialik, who will deliver the keynote Thursday morning, April 3. Bialik’s unique journey from child actress to neuroscientist to playing a scientist on The Big Bang Theory, has led to her role offscreen as a passionate advocate for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. Bialik will share how the influence of one teacher changed her perception of who can be a scientist and what that label really means.
Bialik will also present a special session, STEM Behind Hollywood–Adventure, Drama, and Mystery in Your Classroom, with Dr. Steven Schlozman, a Harvard Medical School professor, author, and consultant with the National Academy of Science’s Science & Entertainment Exchange. Bialik and Schlozman will guide participants through “Zombie Apocalypse” and other STEM Behind Hollywood activities to show how they support science learning.
Other prominent speakers include Bill Nye, from the popular television series Bill Nye the Science Guy and The Science Channel’s 100 Greatest Discoveries, who will give an entertaining and thought-provoking address, “Dancing with Mars, Debating Dinosaurs.”
Astronaut Joseph Acaba will explore the evolution of NASA’s Teacher in Space Program to the Educator Astronaut Program and discuss what it takes for a teacher to be competitive in the astronaut selection process. Renowned photographer and author James Balog will share the latest images from the Extreme Ice Survey, a long-term photography project that merges art and science to give a “visual voice” to the planet’s changing ecosystems.
A key topic that extends throughout the conference is the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The NGSS–which serves as the basis of the new Massachusetts standards in science and technology currently in review–establish learning goals in science that will give all students the skills and knowledge they need to be informed citizens, college ready, and prepared for careers.
On Friday, April 4, at the Elementary Extravaganza, several national and international organizations will join more than 100 presenters to provide elementary teachers with innovative teaching strategies and resources to motivate their students in the science classroom.
Teachers can also experiment with new products to use in the classroom, participate in exciting lab demos, see live animal presentations, and crawl through a portable planetarium to see the solar system up close at NSTA’s Exhibit Hall. More than 400 companies and organizations from across the country will display the latest, state-of-the-art science education materials, tools, products, and services available to the K-12 science education community.
For updated information about the conference, visit