The Associated Alumni of Central High School hopes you will attend the organization’s annual dinner on Wednesday June 10 at the Union League of Philadelphia.
In addition to enjoying an elegant meal, you can spend the evening getting to know your board members and what they do, and witness the inspiring induction ceremony for the deceased members of this year’s Hall of Fame Class. The posthumous inductees are librarian James G. Barnwell, 16; immunochemist John J.Cebra, 198; businessman and philanthropist Ellis A. Gimbel, 79; jazz musician Richard Grossman, 204; and clothing maker David Pincus, 181. Families of all but Mr. Barnwell will be in attendance.
(Details of the October HOF inductions for the living members of this year’s class can be found here).
Cost of the dinner is $75. We hope you might also consider sponsoring a Central student to attend. Register today by clicking here.
Thank you.
Your alumni board.