The 2015 AACHS 5k run sets off May 31 at Central Photo by Ed Bell (226)
Yvonne Dennis (246)
Central family members came out in force to their school Sunday morning for three of their favorite things–exercising, reminiscing, and supporting their Lancers.
The AACHS annual 5k run and 1 mile walk drew 100 participants –students, parents, teachers, alumni and friends–plus dozens of organizers and volunteers.
Organizer/AACHS Vice President Pete Forjohn (235) ran the event like a Swiss watch, ably assisted by many, including fellow board members Kenneth Wong (232), Rudy Cvetkovic (239), Nicole Gaughan (257) and Capt. Robert Glenn (242) of the 22nd Police District. Capt. Glenn and some of his officers secured the walk and run routes mapped out by Mr. Forjohn and Arnie Shiffrin (205). Army volunteers were also on hand for safety and support along the routes as well as at the staging area. DJ Whaine Norman (243) provided some great sounds, inspiring Mr. Shiffrin to break out the Shiffrin Shuffle at one point., AACHS office manager Pat Malloy and Mr. Forjohn’s wife, Rita, did an outstanding job getting participants bibbed and out of the starting gate just slightly ahead the scheduled 10 a.m start time.
Also to be thanked are the race’s generous sponsors: Laurence H. Stone (224); The Doctors DiMarco (233, 235, 238) in memory of their brother Dr. Carlo DiMarco (229), Jeffrey Muldawer (225), David Kahn (220) and Smith-Edwards-Dunlap, Transition Sports & Entertainment, Stephen Chappell (209) and the classes of 209, 226, 235 and 257. See the day in pictures below and make a mental note not to miss this fun time next year. This year’s participants and winners can be found at
Pete Forjohn (235) briefs Army volunteers early on race day. Photo by Yvonne Dennis
Rita Forjohn, left, and Pat Malloy, who has two children who graduated from Central, work the registration table while volunteers behind them stuff bags for participants. Photos by Yvonne Dennis
244 classmates Seth Williams, left, and Jose Ybarra hadn’t seen each other in years. In addition to being Philadelphia’s district attorney, Seth is 244’s class rep and is busy co-organizing the class’s upcoming 30th reunion.
246 was represented by Ramon Terreforte Jr., Kenneth Lomax, Fred McCray Jr. and Yvonne Dennis. Yvonne won first place in the 5k for her age group, which just means more women of her age need to show up next year.
Photo by Kenneth Wong (232)
Arnie Shiffrin (205) had a good time to the tunes played by Whaine Norman (243)
Leading by example outside the classroom were Central teachers Christopher Copeland (260) and Ben Blazer, who both ran the 5k. Teacher Jeremy Julien also ran. Photos by Yvonne Dennis
Christopher Thomas (252) takes water from volunteers heading into the second lap of the 5k. He won first place for his age group! Photo by Ed Bell
Maya McCann, age 10, won third place among girls up to age 19. Maya’s dad is Mark McCann (253).
Photo by Nicole Gaughan (257)