
Central President Tim McKenna speaking to alumni and students at Career Day 2014.

Yvonne Dennis (246)

Aside from Thanksgiving Day, Career Day has got to be the coolest Central-related day for alumni.

The Tuesday immediately before Thanksgiving, Career Day begins at 7 a.m. in the Spain Conference Center above the Barnwell Library at Central. Alumni are treated to a light breakfast, before being greeted by Central President Timothy McKenna and other officials.

When classes begin, alumni are shown to the classrooms where they will speak–usually in pairs or threes according to profession–to upper-class students in the first three or four periods of the day.

Alumni are then invited back to the Spain Conference Center for light lunch and touching base with schoolmates again.

The school store is open most of the day and the athletic department usually has some special sales on gear.  If you would like to be a speaker at Career Day, Nov. 24, email a brief bio to and no later than Oct. 30. All of the alumni bios will be included in a booklet for students.