Central science teacher Galeet Cohen advises that Central has been designated a “green school” by Recyclebank and is in the running for a $2500 grant. “We are 76% of the way to that goal,” she says.
With this grant, the Student Environmental Action Society can create a solar powered water maintenance system for Central’s newly renovated Patio garden, fund beautification efforts, and our Earth Day.
The student society says it needs your help to receive the funding.
“We have until March 15!! We need as many people as possible to donate Recyclebank points to our page on the GreenSchools contest website. Recyclebank is active in some regions outside of Philadelphia (including parts of Florida, Michigan, Kansas, Texas, Georgia) so even if you’ve moved away, you may still be able to help.”
Individuals can earn points simply by recycling (after signing their household up for the program via Recyclebank) or playing games on the Recyclebank website.
Or you can:
-Log on to your Recyclebank account, then go to: www.recyclebank.com/greenschools
-Click “View Finalists” -All participating schools will be listed
-Click the name of the school to which you wish to donate
-Enter in the amount of points you wish to donate in the box to the left and click “DONATE”
Ms. Cohen and the SEAS officers thank you.