On Monday Nov. 21, your Alumni Association will proudly present its annual Career Day program for Central’s seniors and juniors, the 276th and 277th classes.
Career Day is typically held on the Tuesday immediately before Thanksgiving but due to a half-day school schedule on Nov. 22, the event has been moved to the Monday.
The program has been a success in the past due to the contributions of alumni who are willing to give back to Central High School, says Career Day Chairman and AACHS Past President Jeff Muldawer (225).
The 2015 Career Day featured more than 60 presenters from classes spanning close to 60 years. Guests included attorneys, architects, dentists, news-media professionals, business managers, public servants and police personnel.
“We hope to maintain the quality of the program while further diversifying the offerings,” says Mr. Muldawer.
The program begins at 7:30 a.m. with breakfast in the Spain Conference Center on the second floor and greetings by Central President Tim McKenna.
After alumni finish speaking to the students in their classrooms, an early lunch will be available for participants. Please advise Mr. Muldawer as soon as possible as to your availability for this year’s program. He can be reached at 215-740-7801 and by email at jeffmuld@comcast.net.
Important: Alumni who are first time presenters or returnees with new jobs need to submit short bios. A sample might be: “She is a speech-language pathologist, which is expected to be one of the fastest growing occupations in the U.S. over the next 10 years. She will be speaking about the professional responsibilities of her field, along with the average salary, availability of university programs and the degree needed for this profession.”
If you are interested in participating, please respond with your bio, if necessary, by Oct. 28.