Central graduates continue to pursue higher education in overwhelming numbers. Dr. Christine Soda, a Central counselor, reports the following college-acceptance numbers for the 276th Central graduating class:
Temple University: 465 students
Penn State (all campuses): 275 students
Drexel University: 254 students
University of Pittsburgh: 135 students
University of Pennsylvania: 48 students
Central also had at least one student accepted to the following schools:
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Bryn Mawr College, Columbia University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Tulane University, Lehigh University, Swarthmore College, Barnard College, University of Michigan, Dickinson College and American University.
Dr. Soda adds: “We had a handful of students accepted to the following Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education institutions earning the Board of Govenor’s Scholarship (covering tuition, room and board for four years):
Bloomsburg University, East Stroudsburg University, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Kutztown University and West Chester University.