Justin Mosley (265) and Jaleesa Howard (266)
“The first time we spoke to each other was in brief passing while walking Central’s hallways. I was in the 9th grade and Justin was in the 10th and didn’t know each other at the time. I remember I was holding a cake and he jokingly asked me for a piece (not having a clue who I was) to his surprise I said sure, we both laughed and that was that! It wasn’t until I was in the 10th and he was in the 11th grade, and we both ended up in the same geometry class, that we would really meet. Seated right next to each other, Justin asked me for a pencil, and as cliche as it sounds the rest was history! We spent the entire year becoming best friends!
That summer we went our separate ways, and hadn’t seen or spoken to each other. The next school year came around and I remember Justin being a senior, came into the lunch room that morning and was looking GOOD!! Me and my friends joked that summer treated him well, but even then, to me we were just friends. Who can believe that once again we were in the same math class! We would push our desk together and cut up the entire class (which may or may not be the reason I ended up in summer school, but I’ll save that for another day). We were still only friends! In fact we both were dating other people and would often give each other relationship advice.
Literally same thing friends all school year until the very end, but this time something was different. Justin was a senior! There would be no more math classes together. I remember I signed his year book and made him promise that this summer he would keep in touch. I gave him a signed graduation teddy bear that had my number on it telling him to call me, he promised he would. Well that very night he called me and asked me out for ice cream. It was during that date that he finally revealed that he wanted to get to know me as more than friends.
I was shook… I mean it made since looking back but in that moment your gurl was shook!! We started dating that summer, stayed together 5 years before we got engaged, got married 10/30/11 had a baby boy Jayce two years later, had another son Jameson four years after that, and now are coming up on 10 years married 10/30/21. We have a beautiful home in Mt Airy, we have started two businesses @shotsbymosley where Justin is a wedding photographer and @wedbymosley where I am a wedding planner. We have built a great life together we are truly best friends. It’s all because of meeting at Central! Hoping our boys will follow in our footsteps and go to Central too! Go Lancers”
—Justin Mosley (265) and Jaleesa (Howard) Mosley (266)