231 50th Reunion
Please join us for a great reunion weekend! We will start the weekend off with a tour of our dear old High on Friday, May 5th. Saturday, May 6th we will have dinner and to conclude 231ers are invited to a Phillies game on Sunday, May 7th.
Tour of Central High School
When: Friday, May 5, 2023 at 11:30 AM Sharp
Contact George VanHook at vanhook712@aol.com to confirm attendance.
231 50th Reunion Buffet Dinner and Cash Bar
When: Saturday, May 6, 2023 from 7-10 PM
Where: Pagano’s
2001 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Cost $125 per person
Deadline: April 22, 2023
For parking, there is an indoor lot below street level that’s accessible on the east side of 21st Street just north of Market. The cost for Saturday night is $12.
There’s also a rideshare drop-off and pickup area on Market in front of the plaza that contains Pagano’s.
Phillies vs Red Sox Game
When: Sunday, May 7th @ 1:35 PM
Where: Citizens Bank Park
1 Citizens Bank Way, Philadelphia, PA 19148
Cost $55 per ticket. 25 tickets are available for purchase.
Tickets are first come, first served
Payment information is below.
Personal Checks Preferred
Mail to: William Dombro
CHS 231 Reunion
PO Box 1231
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-0034
Venmo: @Central231
Have any questions? Email us!
James Mascaro: jmascaro@dermody.com
George VanHook: vanhook712@aol.com