Yvonne Dennis (246)
Spring fun is almost upon us. If you haven’t joined alumni, students and staff before for the annual alumni golf outing sponsored by Central’s football team or the annual alumni baseball game sponsored by Central’s baseball team, you’ll want to remedy that posthaste.
On May 16, come to Melrose Country Club in Cheltenham for golf, lunch and loads of prizes.
Pre-register with your own foursome of friends for $400 or register individually for $110 and you will be grouped with other golfers. Fee covers a round of golf starting at 8 a.m. sharp, cold water and Gatorade along the course, and buffet lunch at 1. Proceeds benefit Central High Football Lancers!
Please also consider sponsoring a hole on the course to advertise your business or just to support young athletes. Inquire with Central athletic director and football coach Rich Drayton at coachdrayton@yahoo.com or 215 768 8665
Payments can be made via PayPal to coachdrayton@yahoo.com. Please send the names of all golfers you are registering.
Then keep those arms and legs stretched for Central’s third
-annual alumni baseball game at Lancers field, Ogontz and Somerville avenues. Plan to come play or just see old friends and meet the school’s current baseball team. It’s always a fun morning with food, Central gear for sale and serious baseball.
Your support will help Central raise money for field leveling, fertilizing, aerating and rolling, and for new indoor pitching mounds.
Date: Saturday June 9, 2018
Time: First pitch is at 10:30 a.m.
Cost, Tier 1: $100. Covers umpires fees, a commemorative jersey with your name and number, fitted hat and a hoagie lunch.
Cost, Tier 2: $60, covering fees, an event T-shirt instead of custom jersey, fitted hat and lunch
Central’s baseball program has been able to buy a new pitching machine and batting cage thanks to generous alumni and friends. This is a great opportunity to not only give back, but come back if class reunions come too infrequently for you.
Please register by May 1 with this form. alumnibaseballgameform2018
Direct any questions to assistant athletic director and baseball coach Rich Weiss at rweiss@philasd.org