News Archive

Writing Can Be a Thrill When You Control the Fear

When crime novelist Jon McGoran (240) started writing his first book, there were three things he was afraid of.

“The first was that I wasn’t going to enjoy it; the second was that I wasn’t going to finish it; and the third was that it was going to be terrible.”

He was one for three.

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Philly Heads to Oxford

By Yvonne Dennis (246) When Eleanor St John Sutton (273) heads to Oxford University this fall as part of the University of Pennsylvania’s study-abroad program, it

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New Alumni Journal Is Here

Friends, the 2016 Winter Alumni Journal, full of insight on school happenings, significant alumni life events and more is now available here. AACHS Winter 2016 Read

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AACHS Annual Giving Campaign

The AACHS Annual Giving Program relies on the generous commitments of alumni and alumnae to help AACHS achieve its commitment to “honoring the tradition and ensuring the future” of Central High School.

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