News Archive
Central’s Longest-Serving President Immortalized With Portrait
Dr. Pavel at his home in Elkins Park, Pa. By Yvonne Dennis (246) For the thousands of students who attended Central High School from the
Catching Will Reed Is Still Not Easy
By Yvonne Dennis (246) For the generation that grew up in the late 1980s and paid even the slightest attention to high-school track, the name
Dormant Athletic Honor Roll Getting Support
By Yvonne Dennis (246) Hanging in Central High’s main gym are banners for the school’s Athletic Honor Roll, celebrating some of the most extraordinary athletes
Student Environmental Society Seeks Your Recycle Bank Points
Central science teacher Galeet Cohen advises that Central has been designated a “green school” by Recyclebank and is in the running for a $2500 grant.
Updates on Central Athletics
The first-place Lancers boys bowling team and the third-place girls team begin playoff competition Wednesday Feb. 3 at 2:30 p.m. at Erie Lanes. The boys,
Students See Resurrection of CBN as Educational and Symbolic
Seniors Aavo Reinvald and Albert Tanjaya are eager for the day when student-produced video will again be broadcast on hallway television monitors at Central. By Yvonne
Central Bowling Aims for Repeat
By Yvonne Dennis (246) Central’s girls and boys bowling teams are burning up the Public League again this year, anchored by the highest scorers in
Dr. Cato Laurencin to Receive U.S.’s Highest Technology Honor
By Yvonne Dennis (246) Dr. Cato Laurencin (235) has brought enough innovation to the field of joint repair and tissue regeneration that he is being
Get Your Personalized Baseball Gear
It’s almost baseball season. Why not rock a new hat, shorts or a T-shirt personalized
Alumni Volunteers Wanted for History Day at Central
Central is seeking 15-20 alums with a passion for history to serve as judges on National History Day, Thursday Jan. 21. National History Day consists
Incoming Police Commissioner Richard Ross, 241, to Be Sworn in at Central
Richard Ross in his Central yearbook, left, and as he is about to be sworn in as Philadelphia’s top police official.
AACHS Annual Giving Campaign
The AACHS Annual Giving Program relies on the generous commitments of alumni and alumnae to help AACHS achieve its commitment to “honoring the tradition and ensuring the future” of Central High School.
Schools Superintendent to Speak at AACHS Mid-Winter Meeting
The next Associated Alumni of Central High School mid-winter meeting offers alumni a chance to hear from School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Dr. William R. Hite
Former Hoops Star Balances Crimson and Gold with Black and White Stripes
Growing up playing basketball, Nykesha Thompson (256) didn’t give much thought to the folks in the black and white stripes blowing the whistles and calling the fouls.
Central Lacrosse Gets to Work Early for Sophomore Season
Finishing at the top of their division and making it to the playoffs in their inaugural year was great for Central’s boys lacrosse team.
With Alumni Leadership, Mock-Trial Team Sets Out to Take More Prisoners
etired Central teacher Ron Romoff (227) chatted at school with former mock-trial team captain Marvin Barnhill (274) while the college freshman was home from Penn State recently. “My first practice, Mr. Romoff walked up to me and said: ‘I don’t like you. I don’t want you on this team.’ It was a certain arrogance about me.” Mr. Barnhill said his response was: “I’m going to be the best mock-trial student you’ve ever had.”
Latin Class Could Use Your Help for Rome Education
By Yvonne Dennis (246) “Salve,” seniors greet Liz Hestand as they enter her advanced Latin class on a Monday morning. “Salve,” she returns, continuing with more
Central Winter Sports Schedules
Fall sports saw more championships for Central, including boys cross country and boys golf. Here are schedules for some of your alma mater’s winter teams.
Career Day Brings Alumni Going Back to 189th Class to Central
Central’s annual Career Day of professional guidance for students brought alumni from as far back as the 202 class to school on Tuesday. The district
Come Get Some Central Culture
Alumni, please plan to spend the evening of Dec. 22 taking in beautiful holiday singing and orchestral play by Central’s talented music department. The show
Update on the Alumni Hall of Fame
The Board of Managers of the Associated Alumni of the Central High School of Philadelphia voted on Nov. 19, 2015, to remove Dr. William
Your Skills Sought for Alumni Association Committees
Your Alumni Association is looking for alumni who can bring expertise and enthusiasm to one or more of the various AACHS committees. We especially can
Richard Ross, 241, Set to Become Philadelphia Police Commissioner
Mayor-elect Jim Kenney has chosen the Police Department’s First Deputy Commissioner Richard Ross (241) to move into the top job after the new administration takes office in
Newest Hall of Fame Inductees Represent the Arts, Medicine, Science and More
Fourteen distinguished Central High School alumni, living and deceased, have been selected as the 2015 inductees for the Alumni Hall of Fame. Honorees come from
Teachers Thank Central Alumni for Continued Financial Support
Central High teachers recently wrote to the Associated Alumni of Central High School to thank members for their continued generosity and wanted to widely share
Come Inspire Central Students at Career Day
Central President Tim McKenna speaking to alumni and students at Career Day 2014. Yvonne Dennis (246) Aside from Thanksgiving Day, Career Day has got to
Lancers Golf Team Wins Public-League Title
From Central High’s Daily Bulletin: CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GOLF TEAM for winning the Public League Championship by 1 stroke Wednesday at Cobbs Creek. Congratulations to Kyle Spaulding
Critical-Thinking Lessons at Central Shaped Emmy-Nominated Filmmaker
Jennifer Hallam filming “What I’m Made of;” Ms. Hallam was nominated for an Emmy award in 2006 as part of the team of researchers on
Fall Alumni Journal Is Here
The Fall Alumni Journal is now available. The issue features updates from school President Tim McKenna and the latest doings by alumni via the Alma
Lancer Helping Build a Better Philadelphia–And a Better Football Team
By Yvonne Dennis (246) If most people make a mistake at work they can just shake it off and hope to do better the next